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Saturday, June 7, 2008

7 Ways To Beat Aging

Everybody could be feel younger than their age just by following some tips. Here are 7 ways to delay the signs of aging, and maybe even turn back the clock.

1. Exercise.

As you grow older, your bones lose density. Exercise, especially weight bearing exercises like jogging, hiking, stair climbing and weight lifting build up your bone density. Exercise regular and take enough calcium through milk and leafy green vegetables to beat osteoporosis. Since muscle mass decreases as you age, Exercise builds muscle and makes you healthier. You'd feel younger too and helps in anti aging skin care.

Exercise Run

Exercise- Running

2. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

While you are in the deep cycles of sleep, your body tissues are rebuilt and repaired after the wear and tear they have undergone throughout the day. Too little sleep might make you age faster. If you have problems sleeping, prepare for bed 30 minutes before your bedtime with a long soak in a warm bath scented with lavender oil. A cup of chamomile tea before you go to bed help. As would avoiding coffee or anything caffeine after dark.

Sleep Clock

At least sleep 8 hours

3. Drink sufficient water.

That mean 8 to 10 large glasses of water everyday. Your body is made up of 60% water that's why need water for your body to function properly, to flush away the toxins and to stay healthy.

Drink Plenty Water

Drink Plenty of Water

4. Use sunblock during the day.

That is which you can do best for your skin. The sun's UV rays damages your skin, causing it to age prematurely, that is, if you don't get skin cancer first.

Apply Sun blocks

Apply Sun blocks

5. Moisturize your skin.

Cleanse your skin twice daily to get rid of toxins on the surface of your skin. Then apply moisturizer to plump up the surface layers of your skin and to seal in the moisture. Most moisturizers have ingredients with skincare properties.

Apply Moisturizer

Apply Moisturizer

6. Take plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that would damage the cells in your body, aging you more quickly. Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants as are glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Taking fruits, vegetables and oils rich in antioxidants would help slow down the deterioration of your body's cells and helps skincare.

Antioxidants contains Vitamin C

Antioxidants contains Vitamin C

7.Substitute fresh fish for red meat once a week.

Fresh fish is loaded with all kinds of protein and good-for-you benefits. It is lean and too easily prepared!
Fresh Fish

Fresh Fish

Apply this great tips to your daily routine then you'll see a miracle happening just right infront of your eyes day by day.

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